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Welcome to our NK Merrimack Valley Radio Podcast. Here we discuss what's going with the Merrimack Valley chapter and the charitable causes we support.

Feb 28, 2020

Our newest Nam Knights MC chapter, the Moonshine Chapter President Outcast calls in after hearing our recent discussion about venues and floats the idea of getting event sponsors. Updates us on the progress the 75th chapter of the Nam Knights is making getting underway in Columbia SC.

Feb 21, 2020

Back from the break, the MVC crew talks events, what's cooking locally and beyond. Nobody is safe and the conversation gets completely off script at times but its all in fun as they promote the best we have to offer in the upcoming months. Summer is just around the corner, we hope.

Feb 17, 2020

The crew talks about selecting venues for your event. After a hugely successful event in January, the group is forced to confront the reality of needing to find a new venue for next year. We talk about what's important to consider when search for the perfect location for your next club event.