Dec 2, 2019
Our 1 Year Anniversary of the Podcast
Tonight we are broadcasting from the Dracut American Legion and talking with our Brothers Sig from the Tar Heel Chapter and Madman from our Blackstone Valley Chapter.
Our discussion about visiting other chapters and event ideas.
Brother Indy discusses our club's upcoming events and...
Nov 15, 2019
In our November episode we talk about the highlights of the past year attending club events, specifically:
* Gathering of Nam Knights at Rolling Thunder 2019
* 30th Anniversary Party at the Parent chapter
* Southern Tier's 15th Anniversary Party (Weekend)
* New England Paralyzed Veterans Assoc (NE PVA) Bass...
Jul 30, 2019
The recorder is rolling as the Merrimack Valley crews broadcasts from their "Oasis" located on the lower level of the Econolodge Parking Garage. The crew is in New Jersey to attend the 30th Anniversary of the Nam Knights MC.
Scrubs, Stewy, and the Kid host the 9th Episode of our Podcast after a month long Hiatus.
May 31, 2019
Our Best Episode to Date.
In this episode we are broadcasting from Washington DC during the Annual Rolling Thunder Demonstration Run and our annual Memorial Ride.
Stewy and Maker break out in interviews from the plaza with:
1. NK Maddog
2. NK Wrench
3. NK Iron Mike
4. NK Highway
Brother Indy ties it all together with...
Apr 26, 2019
In this episode, Brother Stewy joins us on 3rd mic.
Fresh back from his week in Florida, we talked about riding to DC next month and he offers some insight into the early season service rush.
Stewy's Custom Cycles
19 New Salem St, Wakefield, MA 01880